Santé & CBD

Colopathie fonctionnelle : rôle thérapeutique des fleurs de CBD, mécanismes d'action et études | Maison Sativa

Functional colopathy: therapeutic role of CBD f...

Discover the therapeutic potential of hemp CBD in functional colopathy. Explore its anti-inflammatory, intestinal motility regulator and analgesic mechanisms of action. Check out clinical studies and learn how to consume...

Functional colopathy: therapeutic role of CBD f...

Discover the therapeutic potential of hemp CBD in functional colopathy. Explore its anti-inflammatory, intestinal motility regulator and analgesic mechanisms of action. Check out clinical studies and learn how to consume...

Prise en charge des douleurs neuropathiques à l'aide du CBD

Neuropathic pain and CBD: The benefits of hemp ...

Discover how hemp flowers rich in CBD, terpenes and flavonoids offer a promising solution for neuropathic pain. Explore the mechanisms of action of CBD, the synergistic effect of terpenes and...

Neuropathic pain and CBD: The benefits of hemp ...

Discover how hemp flowers rich in CBD, terpenes and flavonoids offer a promising solution for neuropathic pain. Explore the mechanisms of action of CBD, the synergistic effect of terpenes and...

Le CBD fait-il maigrir ? CBD et perte de poids : Démystifier le lien entre les deux

Does CBD make you lose weight? CBD and weight l...

There is promising evidence to suggest that CBD may have beneficial effects in this area. By boosting metabolism, reducing appetite, and acting as an anti-inflammatory, CBD could potentially support weight...

Does CBD make you lose weight? CBD and weight l...

There is promising evidence to suggest that CBD may have beneficial effects in this area. By boosting metabolism, reducing appetite, and acting as an anti-inflammatory, CBD could potentially support weight...

Peut-on soigner l'épilepsie grâce au CBD ? Maison Sativa

Can epilepsy be treated with CBD? House Sativa

CBD may be a promising treatment for epilepsy, especially for patients who do not respond to conventional treatments. The precise mechanisms of action of CBD in the management of epilepsy...

Can epilepsy be treated with CBD? House Sativa

CBD may be a promising treatment for epilepsy, especially for patients who do not respond to conventional treatments. The precise mechanisms of action of CBD in the management of epilepsy...