Est-ce que le CBD est considéré comme une drogue ? Maison Sativa

Is CBD considered a drug? House Sativa

The debate around cannabidiol (CBD) is booming. Although it comes from hemp, a variety of the cannabis plant, is CBD really considered a drug? Let’s dive into the facts to dismantle preconceived ideas.

Origins and extraction of CBD

CBD is one of several cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. However, it is primarily extracted from hemp, which contains high levels of CBD and very low levels of THC, the psychoactive and mind-altering compound responsible for the "high" effects of cannabis. Therefore, unlike THC, CBD does not cause a psychotropic effect or euphoria.

Legislation around CBD

In many countries, legislation has evolved to distinguish CBD from THC. For example, in France, CBD is legal if it is extracted from hemp and contains less than 0.3% THC . In the United States, under federal law, CBD extracted from hemp (containing less than 0.3% THC) is also legal. These regulations make it clear that CBD is separate from cannabis as a controlled substance, largely due to its lack of psychoactive effects.

Position of global organizations

WHO logo

The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that CBD does not appear to have addictive potential or adverse health effects . Therefore, it is not considered a drug by this respected institution. The WHO even recommends not classifying CBD as a controlled substance.

In conclusion: is CBD a drug?

CBD, due to its non-psychotropic nature and current legislation, is not considered a drug in many countries. While THC-containing cannabis is often associated with "drugs", CBD is distinct due to its properties and safety profile.


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